events listed

About Moray Events

Moray Events is the only dedicated website listing events across Moray. It is operated by Moray Local CIC, a not-for-profit social enterprise which also publishes Forres Local and Visit Forres. We’re already at the top of Google for our events pages on these sites, so we have our sights set on being top in Moray too.

We accept events of all sizes. Listings are free, however, we can provide additional services to promote events locally and farther afield.

You can submit your own events or email events@moray.events and we’ll add them for you. All Moray Events gets pushed onto Visit Forres and Forres Local every hour.

We expect this website to become the biggest provider of event information for the area, and we will continually be adding events to it ourselves as we come across them. We’ll also publish news and reviews of events, so if you are organising one, please let us know about it as soon as you have set a date.

And if you like to know what’s coming up and don’t want to keep checking the website, you can subscribe to our weekly email every Thursday, highlighting what’s on over the weekend and the week ahead.

Website owners and event organisers

If you are an event organiser, please feel free to use our logo (small) on your posters and ads.

If you have a website, you can link to us to add value for your customer. We can even send you a full or edited feed of events to list on your own site.

You are free to use our logo to link to our website, or you can just use a text link to say we have a list of events.

Moray Events

Link to: https://moray.events
